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New Haven Dental Group Blog

Is Dental Insurance Worth the Money?

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 11:11 pm
Happy senior woman in dental treatment chair

If you have been looking to cut back on expenses, you may be thinking about cancelling some unnecessary services and subscriptions. Should dental insurance be among them? At first glance, it might seem like it should. Before you move forward with getting rid of your policy, though, you should consider its value. It could actually have some big benefits for your family’s finances! Why is dental insurance worth the money? This blog post explains.


Is It Time to Replace Your Dentures? 5 Signs to Look For

August 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 5:21 pm
Close-up of denture for upper dental arch

Dentures can provide you with years of reliable oral function and improved chewing ability. However, they do have a limited lifespan. On average, patients need to swap out their prosthetic for a new one every 5 – 7 years. Is it time to replace your dentures? This blog post touches on five signs that you should talk to your dentist about the possibility.


How Long Should You Wear Your Dentures Each Day?

August 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 2:45 pm
Dentures on bedside table, next to clock

Dentures provide an attractive, reliable form of tooth replacement. In fact, after you adapt to using your new teeth, they might feel like a natural part of your smile! You could even be tempted to keep them in your mouth 24/7. But is that a good idea? How long should you wear your dentures each day? This blog post explains some important points for you to keep in mind.


August 11 Is National Align Your Teeth Day!

July 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 2:51 pm
Happy young woman pointing at her Invisalign aligner

Estimates vary on how many people worldwide have misaligned teeth, but regardless of which estimate you choose to believe, it is obvious that orthodontic issues are a major issue among most populations. Are you thinking about getting your smile straightened? If so, now is the perfect time to begin your treatment. By doing so, you can show your support for National Align Your Teeth Day. Would you like to learn more about this upcoming holiday? Continue reading this blog post.


What Should You Do if Your Invisalign Aligner Does Not Fit?

July 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 3:49 pm
Hand holding Invisalign aligner against neutral background

The clear plastic aligners used in Invisalign treatment are custom-made for each patient. Therefore, they should fit snugly but comfortably on the teeth. But what should you do if your Invisalign aligner does not fit? This blog post explains a couple of possible reasons for the problem. It also offers some practical suggestions to help you get your treatment back on track.


Soak Up the Sun for a Healthier Smile!

June 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 3:19 pm
Three friends enjoying time on the beach

When it comes to health and wellness, the sun often gets a bad rap. You often hear warnings about how it can cause skin cancer, burns, and premature signs of aging. All of that is true. However, many people forget that sunlight can actually provide some important benefits. In fact, soaking up the sun could actually help you achieve a healthier smile! How is that the case? Continue reading to find out.


How to Protect Your Lips from the Sun

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 2:50 pm
Dark-haired woman applying lip balm

With many places reaching record high temperatures this summer, you have probably heard a lot of talk about how important it is to wear sunscreen and take other measures to prevent burns. Sadly, though, many people forget about their lips. How and why should you protect your lips from the sun? Read this blog post to discover practical information.


Do Not Believe These 4 Myths about Tooth Extractions

May 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 6:04 pm
Arrows on chalkboard pointing toward myths and facts

Thanks to the internet, we live in a world where we have easy access to information. Unfortunately, we also have easy access to misinformation, and it is not always easy to tell the difference between the two. For example, there are a lot of sources spreading untruths about various dental treatments. How can you learn the truth? Read this blog post to discover the reality behind 4 myths about tooth extractions.


Drink Through a Straw to Protect Your Teeth!

April 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 5:20 pm
Woman laughing while drinking soda through a straw

Most people think that whether or not you drink through a straw is a matter of personal preference. Some people enjoy straws and view them as fun and fashionable, whereas others would prefer to sip their drinks directly. However, when you are consuming certain beverages, it is actually better to opt for a straw because doing so can protect your teeth. How is that the case? This blog post explains.


If You Have Dentures, Avoid These Foods

Filed under: Uncategorized — branford @ 4:38 pm
Plate of raw vegetables with dip

It is possible to say many good things about dentures. They are beautiful, cost-effective, and easy to maintain. However, one of their biggest disadvantages is that they lack the strength and chewing power of natural teeth. Therefore, they may require you to make some significant changes to your eating habits. If you have dentures, what foods should you avoid? This blog post provides some helpful examples.

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*Every Other Thursday